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Providing Data-Driven Insights for Informed Decision Making

The globe is a network and web of interconnected data sets whereby whomever see's the most, wins the most.


A good investor doesn't just know data and the facts of the day. 

They have a creative and intrinsic understanding of social, economic, and technological trends that is most easily described as intuition.

But for this intuition to function, it requires constant and deep analysis into every facet of economics that drives assets.
From bonds to commodities, and forex to treasury notes. 
Deep diving into treasury data, economic policy, market valuations and pipeline advancements. 

As that analysis coalesces into a firm knowledge and understanding, a creative understanding must emerge to anticipate looming trends and breakthroughs. 

What You Need to Succeed in Investing

Confidence is first, foremost, and essentially everything. 

Not to be confused with arrogance. 
A responsible confidence checks itself, tries to disprove itself, and acts with restraint. 

Successful confidence comes from the perfected blend of knowledge, psychology, and risk comfort. 

The greater the risk, the greater the reward. 

But that does not mean one must take risk blindly, and there are ways to turn what is perceived of as risky into safety, with the right knowledge and strategy. 

Transparent Knowledge, The End of Market Gatekeeping

High leverage and high return tradable and investable tools and assets have been kept from the common investor by banks and institutions for too long. 
When or if they are mentioned, as to program your thoughts, they are mentioned as risk-only, and described in overly flowery and complicated terms and descriptions to cast doubt on the capacity of anyone doing it at all. 
This gatekeeps the potential profits from the investor, and limits their knowledge of what drives the markets.

The Morval Mission is to share this knowledge and expertise in layman terms, and break it down into functional parts, and deliver opportunity.  

Projects That Win
For You

Projects should win for all involved. 
Cooperation and collaboration is historically the greatest pathway to success and victory. 

Any data, any choice, and any outcome actioned by Morval Universal is expressly to win, and to share all of those wins.

Data-Driven Investment Acceleration

If you have an idea that investing or trading is gambling, then odds are, those you've known who have traded or invested were gambling on the markets. 

Now enters the advent of data. 

No stock or index or any tradable asset moves randomly. 

There are triggers for everything that occurs on a chart. 
There is uniformity, pattern, and purpose to the markets, and like a language all of it can be read in data. 

Global Market Expertise

Stocks, stocks, and stocks! 
That's where the money is, but does that mean you need to buy shares to win? 


Option contracts represent a way of investing in the broader markets or individual stocks whereby an investor can win in the face of both bullish and bearish moves.

Often described as the most risky tradable asset, if wielded with strategy, it becomes the safest. 

Insightful Analytics.
Informed Decisions.

Morval Universal provides unparalleled data analytics and insights to help you make informed investment decisions.

Our services are designed to empower your investment strategies and drive optimal results.

Prior to constructing any informed strategy, like any mission, we scout and seek knowledge. 

The markets are not disconnected from reality. What policy and actions is the Treasury doing?  What policy is being voted on in senate? Is the Fed looking to hike, cut, or hold? 
And regardless of what the Fed is doing based on data, what does the bond market make of that? Real rates aren't always decided by the central banks. 

Empowering Insights for Informed Decisions Through Pattern and Network Tracking


Years of Experience


Assets Analyzed


Countries Covered

Elevate Your Investment Potential Today

Our mission is to spread knowledge, provide insight, and opportunity. 

Nothing we share is to be considered as providing a financial service or advice. 

Any and all information provided is available via government sources, banking institutes, and brokerages, and it is described and summarised in a manner to create educational knowledge. 

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